Tula and Mishka

Tula and Mishka
Tula and Mishka Spring 2010

Mishka was born on January 11, 2010, in Glenville, MN. Tula was born on January 18, 2010, on Martin Luther King Day, at Brown's Oakridge Zoo, in Smithfield, IL.

The name "Mishka" is a Russian word for bear. "Tula" was named for the city of Tula in south western Russia. In Greek the name "Tula" means gracious gift, a fitting name for our little bear.

When Tula and Mishka arrived at the Trading Post on April 13, 2010, Tula weighed 13 lbs., and Mishka weighed in at 20 lbs. Their first meals were mixed in a blender, and consisted of: Beech Nut or Gerber baby foods including turkey, squash, carrots, apple sauce, and rice; Esbilac (a puppy milk replacer), a Pet Tab, dog chow soaked in warm water, and water were also added. This mixture was fed to the cubbies from baby bottles.

Tula in Winter Habitat
Tula in Winter Habitat
Maureen & Mishka in Winter Habitat
Maureen & Mishka in Winter Habitat